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Market review on China refractory raw Materials in Oct 2019

Views: 38     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-11-07      Origin: Site

Market review on China refractory raw Materials in Oct 2019

Global demand for refractory raw materials is predicted to be at a lower level in the coming winter, which is said to be the worst winter in recent years. When it comes to China, refractory raw materials supply still faces various problems.

Calcined bauxite showed no changes in price in face of the upcoming heating season; brown fused alumina was seen a slight reduction in price; white fused alumina still struggled at low price level, lacking of support from demand and raw materials; magnesia market was suppressed by lower price trend and the consolidation plan seems to fall in a deadlock situation; no significant changes came to silicon carbide market, neither positive outlook in this winter; industrial alumina prices were proven to be a failure to increase on weak demand.

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Zhengzhou Kaiyuan Refractories Co.,Ltd

 Plant add: Tancunwan village, Niudian town, Xinmi city, Henan, China
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